Monday, November 5, 2012

Shrek 2

Dear Son

In the past few months you have suddenly grown to be (already) popular as an intelligent kid who observes everything very keenly and picks up very fast. Your speaking has improved manifolds along with your knowledge of who is who, does what, what works how....and where to get chocolates and drinks from.

Along with being an intelligent kid, you are also very stubborn. You definitely have an attitude, and order around more than us. You can name most of the people working around Amma, Bhavani (whom you call didi), Lilu, Choudhary, Tikki and you have a way of calling Budhia which is not his name but some particular sound for him.

You always get your message if you want to drink water you cough, if its milk you cough n do the eating sign. When you want to eat you bring your fingers to the mouth and make the eating noise, for going out you make the car sound (eeeeeeeeeee)

You are teaching me the very basics of communication. Its so true, you learn more from children than you teach. I thank you for bringing the freshness to my life and thinking. Without you life would be so regular, monotonous and boring. You are my sunshine. love you.

Your mother
Dear Nanoo,

I have been thinking of doing this for a very long time but a hell lot of activity has kept me away. Even today i'm pushing myself but i must write to you.
We have been very busy as we entertained a lot of guests, well family members who were over, and then trying to loose weight but gaining more instead....ah thats a long story.
You have been very busy growing up yourself...just growing up is taking all your time.You are, as have been proved on many occasions, a very naughty kid. You can seriously put that lil brain of yours to some good use. Everybody around you is very pleasantly shocked at you level of intelligence. This brings me to my main purpose of writing this to you today.
Son, taking care of you and your father has been my mission for the past one and a half year. But as things have turned out, its been your father who has been doing all the taking care. He is the strongest, most gentle and caring person I have ever met. I cannot express it in words my sentiments and feelings of having him love me so much. He took care of me in my lowest and darkest hours, and has never left me alone or given me any pain. In fact, he has happily taken mine. I could never understand it when we were getting married but i know it now, he loves me too much to let me go. Yet he let me go, because he loved me too much. You see son, love is not about possession or sacrifice or challenge or pride.  Well, i'm getting carried away with feelings for your father. Please ignore that.
Your father will always be a great man with many and still many human qualities to his credit. he is so human that he can sometimes be godlike. He will always give you the best of advise, and pamper you to the extent that i get mad. You are a very lucky young man to have a father like him. Just always have faith in him, like i do, and he will set everything right.
love you son.

your mother