Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Kabir's first favourites

Here is what my sunny boy got crazy about for the first fever of 2010


Friday, June 18, 2010

Waka waka

Dear Son

Day before yesterday night, i downloaded the football world cup song by Shakira, waka waka this time for Africa , for your father.....and little did i know the effect it would have on you.

Before this, the TV did not interest you. In fact it still doesn't. You are a computer guy. You will switch off the CPU while I'm looking at the screen. You fight with me to get hold of the keyboard, and the mouse. you keep switching the printer on/off....for the sound it makes...and you will touch anywhere you see light.

As usual, you were troubling us to take you out (it was 11:45 pm) for a drive, so i decided to show you waka waka...and to my surprise, you sat absolutely still watching the video (that was a first). As soon as it finished, you wanted it to be played again, and that was just the made us play it at least 25 times. finally, you were hungry and wanted to have milk, but you did not put it in your mouth until i placed the feeder on the screen pretending that Shakira is having it too.

It became impossible to pull you away from the computer and i had to literally drag you away, and you kept crying. Even Charlie was not exciting enough this time.

Now when we say waka waka, you make the twinkle twinkle hands....
Sunny boy, you are getting very choosy, and demanding.


Monday, June 14, 2010

Dear Son,

As i had expected from myself....I'm writing to you after a long time. I've been busy...watching you do all the marvelous things you have been picking up.

Here is an account. Firstly, you have a killer smile and you use it ruthlessly. Naught and intelligent as you are, you sometimes get the other person really irritated and then flash that smile....and nobody can resist it. That's how you get away with a lot of things.      

You don't need us anymore to connect to the world. 14 months old and you know how to pick up the receiver of the phone, dial a number (of-course you don't dial any specific number , you just dial for the sound) and start speaking into the receiver. And you "eloo...eloo...elooo"   (on and on and on...till you see something else more exciting). People have been calling just to hear you eloo..eloo eloo.  Many a times you just put your hand on your ear and start eloo...eloo.

You have also been trying to prove that you have grown up and can wear your clothes yourself. Specially when it comes to nickers. you try to wear them yourself, forgetting that you have to put your legs in them first. So, inevitable, you just end up brushing them on your legs again and again....and its fun to watch. 

When we laugh at anything you do...or generally laugh, you have to laugh with us. You usually take sometime and then laugh, pretending you have understood the joke. And we can't stop laughing with you...again.  

You are very enthusiastic about cleanliness....and so you have picked up a few tricks. You have turned one of your toy trees (which was a part of your gym set your Papa bought for you when you were born....true to his nature) into a broom stick and are usually seen cleaning with it.  

Off late you have been trying to imitate your father's snoring. For record, you are a night animal. Ever since you have been born, you have refused to sleep at night, preferring the daytime for this activity. Usually, your night starts at 5am. Therefore, every night when your father sleeps off, you try to wake him up to play with you and when he starts snoring, you thing he is playing with you and respond by making some similar sound yourself. Its like some snoring 'jugalbandi'. I have my fun.

You have started saying few words, like mum, papa, lilu (morning home guard's name), yali (for Charlie, your dog) namanama (for nani mama), dada, chaha, deylo (dedo, give it to me), dai (dawai, medicine) and aaaaaaaaaa for everything else. And you scream.

You have also become very choosy, refusing things by shaking your head (the cutest action you do) You don't like eggs anymore. But you like to eat whatever we eat. 

You can now tell where your nose is, by pointing at it. That brings me to your pointing powers. You have a right hand pointer finger like that of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar. Wherever you want to go or show something, you point a finger in that direction. Though, that cute little finger of yours in usually pointed upwards. You point towards TV, computer, AC, fan, moon...and you make the twinkle action with your hands.

You are a born musician, and dancer. You love to sing....many a times you are found singing lullaby to yourself...something like, aaaa...aaaaa....aaaa or tattaaaattaatatattaattatat. no words but musical. You try with different pitches. And you dance to every thing that is faintly musical, like ring tones, background music of news stories on TV, beating of table....anything. your finger goes up (bhangra picked up during Shweta's wedding) and start dancing. You own a guitar and a synthesizer. One day , you sat with your guitar in your lap, playing with the strings and singing. You saw me do it and did the same. my Lil rock star. 
There are so many things you are learning and inventing. Everything is new to you and your trying to make sense of it all is so refreshing. Its like looking at everything with a new eye. I have started believing that God plans us to have children at this age so that we learn the purpose of our lives, which we so loose in this world. So many years of struggling, learning the ways of this world, just surviving makes us repetitive, selfish, boring. We stop living life...we just survive, until we have children. They teach us how to brought that life back to me. Thank you my angel. 

Sunny boy, whatever you do in life, do not stop living. Do not fall into the rut of survival, live your life. Keep learning, inventing and amusing yourself and others in the process. 

Its late, and i have see a doctor at 10 in the morning. So here i stop, but there is much more waiting to be told.


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

My Reasons

Dear Son,

I must start by saying that today is a landmark day for me....because i have finally started this blog which i have been planning ever since you were born. There are two reason's for this delay. Firstly, my physical recovery period stretched a bit too long and secondly, as you will learn about your mother, is because i'm plain sluggard...a fainéant.

You are already a year and a month old and i must add that you are a very intelligent kid. I'm not expecting you to start reading this blog sometime soon, in fact i'm hoping that you will read these writings of mine much later in life. But I have to explain why i intend to write these letters to you.

Firstly, i want to state that these i'm writing for you alone, and though i have chosen to write a blog, i'm not expecting any followers for this. The things i want to mention here are things i want to share with you. But right now you are too young and so these will have to wait and i'm afraid that i will forget them when the right time comes, or perhaps i will not be there anymore. 

I want to share with you your moments of growing up, when you are too young to remember them yourself and which will be, ultimately, the best part of your life. Through these letters you can know the little child you were, what you used to do, play, you ran about the house, your amazing ability to learn, your beautiful smile and most of all your cute naughtiness. before i forget them i want to pen it all down for you.

I have been a rebel child of my family (your grannies can probably tell you some stories of my deeds), but now as time has passed and maturity has come with wisdom, i remember the things my parents used o tell me. With regret i say that i'm sorry for myself for not listening to them. Well, youth is like that and despite for some part of my life, i'm happy for everything else. Remembering my yester years, i often realize that there will be ample i would want to tell you and explain to you...generally about life and rights and wrongs. But maybe, i will either not be able to, or the time would not be right or you will not pay heed to it (as all kids do, as i have also done). Through these letters i would want to leave all my thoughts and advices for you with the hope that when you read them, you will understand your mother and what i want to convey to you. 

I know all children see their parents as born olds. But as i'm growing old now, i'm becoming more and more aware of the fact that my parents are also individuals who had been kids. Someday you will also go through this realization and when you do, through these letters i want to share my childhood with you.

Son, you are my life and my life savior ( someday i will explain that to you). You changed my life for the better and i cannot thank you enough for that. I want to share every moment of my life with you and bring you up in a manner that you shine in your own pride. 

You are a lovely child. I love you.

Your Mother